GeChic On Lap 1502i Touchscreen Monitor Review



1502 manual English

Section 2 Notice of On-Lap Monitor. 1. Please do not use sharp objects to touch the screen. Gently use the finger to touch or swipe on the screen.

Customer reviews

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Gechic 1502i 15.6” 1080p IPS Portable Touchscreen Monitor with HDMI, VGA Inputs at

Gechic 1502i 15.6” 1080p IPS Portable Touchscreen ...

GeChic 1502i is the perfect dual display accessory for laptops and computers. The monitor has an HDMI port, a USB port, and a VGA port. The monitor is USB ...

GeChic On

產品名稱:On-Lap 1502T 觸控式筆記型螢幕液晶面板:15.6 TFT LCD (16:9寬螢幕) 觸控螢幕:電容式觸控螢幕;支援10 指觸控解析度:1366x768 額定電源:5V---2.0A (Max)

GeChic On

GeChic On-Lap Touch 1502 I 1920x1080 LCD LED Backlight Monitor ; Brand. Gechic ; Screen Size. 15.6 in ; Accurate description. 4.9 ; Reasonable shipping cost. 4.9.


適用型號. On-Lap 1002/1101/1102/1303/1306/1502 /1503/2501/M505/T1系列. 連接埠. 電腦/設備端: HDMI-A(公)*1(適用於電腦、電腦棒、電視棒、miniPC、樹莓派等).

Read Me Before First Usage

*On-Lap 1502 has two Micro USB ports: USB port can transmit touch signal and power,. DC IN port can only transmit power. If USB Touch Output and Power Cable ...

【Gechic 給奇】On

2015年1月23日 — 解析度 · 1920x1080 ; 亮度 · 220 cd/m2 ; 可視角度(上/下/右/左): 80度/ 80度/ 80度/ 80度 ; 顏色 · 白色 ; 體積 · 430.4mm x 248.3mm x 9.9mm


(需另外選購On-Lap1502 專用VGA 影像傳輸線才能使用此功能。) *On-Lap 1502 的兩個影像輸入埠外觀相似,插入前請核對圖示,避免插入錯. 誤的 ...


Section2NoticeofOn-LapMonitor.1.Pleasedonotusesharpobjectstotouchthescreen.Gentlyusethefingertotouchorswipeonthescreen.,FindhelpfulcustomerreviewsandreviewratingsforGechic1502i15.6”1080pIPSPortableTouchscreenMonitorwithHDMI,,GeChic1502iistheperfectdualdisplayaccessoryforlaptopsandcomputers.ThemonitorhasanHDMIport,aUSBport,andaVGAport.ThemonitorisUSB ...,產品名稱:On-Lap15...